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Posted on October 10 2022

1 Million+ Jobs vacant for 150 days in Canada; Unemployment drops to record low in September

By  Editor
Updated September 23 2024

Highlights 1 million+ jobs vacant as unemployment drops record low in September

  • More than 1 million jobs are still vacant in Canada since May, 2022 as the unemployment rate went down to 5.2% in September
  • Employment is little changed in September with both types of work (Part-time and full-time)
  • Employment increased in September, for males aged between 15-24 and core-aged women aged between 25 - 54
  • Employment is maximized in Healthcare, educational services, and Social assistance across four provinces Manitoba, New Brunswick, British Columbia, and Nova Scotia in September

The employment rate increased in September

 September has seen a steady increase in part-time and full-time employment. Employment for young male job seekers whose ages between 15 – 24 and also employment increased for 25 – 54 aged women.

Recruitment in the public sector was raised in September. And average hourly wages also raised by 5.2%. Yet there is a decline in the unemployment rate in September and it rose from 5.2% to 5.4%.

Employment bounced back in the public sector

The public sector sees an increase in the number of employees by 35,000 which is +0.8% in September month. Education services count for close to one-third (30.4) of employees in the public sector. Apart from this Self-employment is also up compared to previous years.

*Check your eligibility to Canada through Y-Axis Canada immigration points calculator

Average hourly wages increased to 5.2%

In September the average hourly wages of employees are raised from 5% to 5.2%. Which can be stated as +$1.57 to $31.67

The average hourly wage for accommodation and food services was up to +8.7%. in the same industry, the provinces Ontario and Quebec have an increase in the minimum wage of 13.2% and 8.1% respectively.

There were gains in these average hourly wages based on multiple factors which include wage growth, employment by industry, and occupation.

The table represents various industries that have seen a relative increase in payments/wages.

High-paying industries Averages wages in September Average wage percentage increased
construction +109,000; +10.0% 7.50%
professional, scientific and technical services +56,000; +4.4% 9.10%


The unemployment rate for Men and Women

The unemployment rate has gone down for some women and went up for a few males. The table mentioned below will explain it in detail.

Women Age Unemployment rate in %
Female youth 15-24 8.80%
Core aged women 25-54 -0.2% to 4.3%
Older Women 55 and older -0.5% to 4.7%

*Are you looking for Canada PR visa? Get assistance from Y-Axis, Overseas migration consultant.

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Men Age % of points
Male youth 15-24 10.80%
Core aged-men 25-54 4.50%
Older Men 55 and older 4.60%

Employment gains in sectors

There is a rise in employment among a few sectors and provinces.

Educational services rose by 46,000 in September which is +3.2%. Though these employment gains are observed in six provinces, the following two provinces stand at the top.

Provinces Increase in employees Percentage of increased employment
Ontario 17000 0.031
British Columbia 12000 0.063

There was an employment rise in the number of people working in healthcare and social assistance by +24,000 which is +0.9% in September.

There was also a rise in the number of people working in health care and social assistance (+24,000; +0.9%) in September, the first increase in seven months.

*Do you wish to work in Canada? Get assistance from Y-Axis, experienced overseas career immigration consultant

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Employment maximized in four provinces in September

Employment was maximized in Manitoba, New Brunswick, British Columbia, and Nova Scotia in September. Though there was less increase in employment in provinces like Ontario and Prince Edward Island, employment was increased in all the provinces.

Provinces Increase in employment Percentage of employment increase Decline in unemployment rate
British Columbia 33,000 0.012 4.30%
Vancouver 28,000 0.018 3.90%
Manitoba 6,900 0.01 4.50%
Nova Scotia 4,300 0.009 -
New Brunswick 2,900 0.008 -

Do you have a dream to migrate to Canada? Talk to World’s no.1 Y-Axis Canada overseas migration consultant.

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