Posted on November 04 2019
Occupation ID | Occupation Name | Minimum score | Latest date of EOI |
2211 | Accountants | 90 | 06.09.2019 10:29 am |
2212 | Auditors, Company Secy, & Corporate Treasurers | 85 | 12.04.2019 9:46 am |
2631 | Computer Network Professionals | 80 | 20.05.2019 10:05 am |
2335 | Industrial, Mechanical & Production Engineers | 80 | 11.12.2018 6:39 pm |
2613 | Software and Application Programmers | 80 | 09.04.2019 8:56 pm |
2334 | Electronics Engineer | 85 | 04.06.2019 12:07 pm |
2339 | Other Engineering Professionals | 80 | 03.04.2019 6:42 pm |
2611 | ICT Business and System Analysts | 80 | 20.03.2019 6:34 pm |
Australia Skilled Visa