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Posted on August 23 2017

Why is Australian immigration the fascination of overseas immigrants globally?

By  Editor
Updated May 25 2023
Every year several thousands of overseas immigrants arrive in Australia from all across the world. Below are the top reasons why Australian immigration is the fascination of overseas immigrants globally: Career opportunities The economy of Australia has emerged as one among the strongest in the world in times of financial crisis and its future has been predicted to be brighter owing to proximity to Asia. It has huge requirement of skilled workers as well as low rate of unemployment. Several immigrants arrive at the Land of Kangaroos through long duration work visas. Statistics reveal that most of these immigrant workers choose to remain in Australia via the visas sponsored by permanent employers. Excellent lifestyle There can be no two opinions that people in the Land Down Under enjoy an excellent lifestyle. With abundant fresh air, lower levels of pollution and lesser population in an awe inspiring landscape, it is the dream destination for many immigrants. An immigration consultant will give you a clear picture of the several benefits of immigration to the Land of Kangaroos. Global standard Education Every year several overseas students arrive in Australia to receive global standard education at its top universities. As of now, it has over 350,000 overseas students. Overseas education sector provides a crucial contribution to the society and economy. This demonstrates that the Land of Kangaroos is a great and wonderful destination for overseas studies. A migration agent Melbourne can give you several pathways for overseas education to the nation, as quoted by the PR for Australia. Social Diversity The Australian society is highly multicultural with many Australians being born overseas. This implies that it is easy for overseas immigrants to assimilate and settle in the nation. For immigration Australia contact the best professionals in the industry. Lively festivals are held all around the calendar and community groups are very strong here. It celebrates Harmony Day on March 21 every year that concurs with Elimination of Racial Discrimination International Day of the United Nations. Safety Australia has a lower rate of crime when analyzed with many other nations and as its people are oriented towards the community it is a safe place to settle and raise a family. It also offers refuge to many asylum seekers fleeing from persecution or war at home nations. Environment Warm to hot summers and mild winters with temperate climate is the characteristic of the Australian climate. The northern regions are tropical with hot and dry summers and cool winters in the Southern regions. Regular snow fall is enjoyed by New South Wales and Victoria during winters. Long balmy evenings and hours of sunshine attract immigrants to the Land of Kangaroos, especially from northern Europe and the UK. Relaxed nature of life Laid-back style of living is cherished by the Australians. Relaxation and family time is very important for them and they don’t lie to take themselves very seriously. Aussies love to spend leisurely time with newcomers and are a friendly lot. The art of life work balance has been perfected by many Australians. Sports Australians’ participation rates in sports are higher when compared globally and it is something akin to an obsession at the national level. The most favorite national pastime is cricket. The Southern region enjoys Australian Rules Football while the north loves the Rugby Union and Rugby League. These are called as footy colloquially while the popularity of Soccer is ever high enjoying high level and profile of participation. If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate to Australia, contact Y-Axis, the world’s most trusted Immigration & Visa Consultant.


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