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Posted on December 27 2023

Canadian Custom Regulations. Whats allowed and whats not

By  Editor
Updated December 27 2023

Why immigrate to Canada?

  • Several job opportunities
  • Access to public healthcare
  • High quality of life
  • Free education for children
  • Flourishing economy
  • Assured safety and security    

*Want to check your eligibility score? Check it through Y-Axis Canada CRS Score.

Things to avoid when you want to immigrate to Canada:

Canada prohibits travelers from bringing many things that can be a threat to the country such as endangered species, foods, plants, and animals. For certain things as caution by the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA), it’s necessary to have the information about the thing that is going to be imported, or else you might get a penalty including fines, seizures, or prosecution.


For goods as well you need to have written authorization or a permit which can apply to:

  • health products and prescription drugs;
  • antiques or cultural objects that have historical significance to their country of origin, and;
  • Explosives, fireworks, and certain types of ammunition.              


Major threats that are regarded as a crime in Canada to import:

  • Firearms

As noted by CBSA all weapons are firearms should be declared before entering Canada. Before entering Canada immigrants must inform the Canada Border Services Agency about all the goods they have with you.


Those who want to import firearms into Canada must have a valid reason:

  • Hunting during hunting season (limited to non-restricted firearms only)
  • Use in Competitions
  • Repair
  • Direct route through Canada
  • Protection against wildlife in remote areas


If non-restricted firearms are being imported then they must hold a valid Canadian Firearms license. Those who don’t have a Canadian firearm license or registration certificate must complete Form RCMP 5589: Non-Resident Firearm Declaration which serves as a visitor’s firearm license for up to 60 days while in Canada and pay a $25 fee.

CBSA also noted visitors in Canada cannot import prohibited firearms, prohibited devices, or prohibited weapons.


  • Cannabis

Though Cannabis is legally available in the stores of Canada an individual cannot transport it outside the border.

The Cannabis Act legalizes and regulates cannabis in Canada, and creates a strict legal notice that will control the production, distribution, sales, and possession of the product in Canada.

Transporting cannabis across the border in any form- including any oils without a proper permit or exemption authorized by Health Canada is a serious crime that can be subject to arrest and prosecution.


  • Explosive

Natural Resource Canada (NRCan) is currently in the process of updating the Explosion Regulations for 2024 which will stay abreast of amendments being proposed. These precursor chemicals and the amendments that are being restricted include:

  • Calcium ammonium nitrate;
  • Aluminum powder;
  • Hexamine,
  • Acetone.


  • Bringing companion animals

 As of Sept 28, 2022, commercial dogs are at high risk for dog rabies to be stopped from entering Canada.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will not issue any commercial dogs in Canada. The following countries are regarded as a threat to Canada for rabies:

  • Africa
  • Americas and Caribbean
  • Asia and the Middle East, Europe


  • Poultry products

As there is a certain outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), Canada took the initiative and restricted poultry products or by-products from the United States. To enter Canada Poultry products must be retail packaged for human consumption and clearly labeled as “Product of the USA”. The allowed products in Canada from the USA are:

  • Raw table eggs;
  • Vacuum-packed flats of raw chicken breasts and thighs;
  • Rotisserie chickens;
  • Frozen chicken strips or wings;
  • Frozen whole turkeys and chickens;
  • Deli meat, and;
  • Hard-boiled eggs.

*Looking for jobs in Canada? Search through Y-Axis Job Search Portal to find the right one for yourself.

Other Restricted items:

The other restricted items are:

  • Restaurant food or leftovers;
  • Poultry products and by-products from roadside stands or farms;
  • Poultry items from backyard flocks,
  • Meat items (including poultry) entering Canada by mail or courier.
  • Raw pet food items
  • Food, such as raw or cooked meats, fruit/vegetables, milk;
  • Homemade articles, such as items made from plants or wood;
  • Houseplants
  • Live animals, including pets;
  • Bait for recreational fishing;
  • Firewood;
  • Plant cuttings, seeds, bulbs
  • Soiled hiking boots.


These things are regarded as a threat and can ruin the ecosystem of Canada.


Violation Rules:

Even after being restricted in Canada if those things are entering Canada then the immigrants might be charged with:

  • Penalty up to $1300
  • Travelers may also be held responsible for any costs related to the relatable item.
  • Minor violations can result in a fine of $500 and serious violation can be $800 fine and a serious violation a fine of up to $1,300.


If an individual receives a violation of law notice then they have three choices:

  • Accept the warning and waive any right to appeal
  • Send review request within 30 days of the date.
  • request a tribunal review


How can Y-Axis help you?

Y-Axis, the world’s best overseas immigration consultancy, provides unbiased immigration services for every client based on their interests and requirements. Our impeccable services include the following:

For recent Immigration updates do check out: Y-Axis Canada Immigration news


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