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Posted on August 09 2024

How to get a Social Insurance Number in Canada?

By  Editor
Updated August 09 2024

Highlights: How to get a Social Insurance Number in Canada

  • Foreign nationals who want to work in Canada needs a SIN (Social Insurance Number).
  • SIN is a unique nine-digit number issued by Service Canada to every resident.
  • Employers are provided with SIN to access Canadian applications such as a Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI).
  • Any Canadian citizen or resident aged 12 or older can apply for a SIN.


*Want to work in Canada? Talk to Y-Axis for complete guidance.


Applying for a SIN

In Canada, for children aged below 12 years and adults in the care of others, Service Canada allows parents, legal guardians, and legal representatives to apply for an SIN on behalf of these individuals.


Service Canada issues SIN to every citizen, be it or temporary resident (TR) or permanent resident (PR) as it is essential to work in Canada.


Applying for an SIN can be done online or by mail in a Canadian location. However, the application procedure depends on the applicant's situation. Such as, if the applicant is applying for themselves, there is a different requirement, whereas the documentation will vary if they apply on behalf of others. The application requirements will vary based on the applicant's status in Canada, whether they are a citizen, PR, or TR.


*NOTE: ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada) instructs TRs or PRS in Canada to apply for SIN within three days of beginning work in Canada.  


*Looking for jobs in Canada. Avail Y-Axis Job Search Services to find the right one for you.


Eligibility Criteria to apply for SIN

Here is the eligibility Criteria that must be fulfilled to apply for SIN:


  • Have valid, digital copies of original documents
  • Provide legible, complete and clear documents
  • Be it English or French, it must be translated according to the needs


Requirements to apply for SIN

Requirements to apply for SIN

For Permanent Resident (Online)









Primary Documents

IRCC or CIC issued PR card

·         Confirmation of PR in Canada

1.       Acceptance is given within a year of becoming a Permanent resident  PR

2.       Record of Landing issued by CIC before June 28, 2002

Other Identity  Documents

Valid passport

Territorial ID card or Canadian provincial

Other Canadian ID issued by government

Supporting documents: Must be legal documents that has recent name and other real details of the applicant

For Temporary resident (Online)








Primary Documents

IRCC or CIC issued Work permit

by IRCC or CIC issued Study permit

by IRCC or CIC issued visitor record

                                           Identity Card

Secondary Identity Documents

                                        Valid passport

Canadian provincial or territorial ID card

                         Canadian ID issued by government


*Want to apply for Canada PR. Talk to Y-Axis for complete guidance.


Updating and Receiving the SIN

As per ESDC online, SIN applicants will have their application processed within five business days if everything is in order.


It is essential for TPR to keep a note of SIN records up to date to make sure that the SIN termination date is similar to the IRCC document expiry date which will permits them to work in Canada. After the SIN record is updated, they will receive an SIN with a new expiration date, and your previous SIN will no longer be valid. 


Recover  lost, forgotten or Stolen SIN 

SIN must be protected and kept private all the time. Canadian residents who forgotten their SIN, ESDC says that this number can be used in a different ways, including:


  • On an employment record
  • On an ITR report(Income Tax returns)
  • On a registered retirement savings Plan


*Note: For stolen or lost SINs, ESDC notes that the Canadian government will only issue a new SIN if it has proof that the previous SIN was used fraudulently.


*Are you looking for step-by-step assistance for Canada Immigration? Talk to Y-Axis, the leading overseas immigration consultancy in Australia.


For recent immigration updates, check out Y-Axis Canada Immigration News!


Social Insurance Number in Canada

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