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Posted on April 24 2017

Immigrants from India result in growth of population in Australia

By  Editor
Updated May 25 2023
Immigrants from India who arrive in Australia are amongst the chief reasons resulting in the increase of population in Australia and as well as Hinduism. Hinduism is also expected to remain as the fastest growing religion in Australia. Around 40,000 Indians arrived in Australia in the year 2015-16 through diverse immigration programs. This was an increase of 21.2% with 40, 145 immigrants from 18.4% in 2014-15 with 34,874 immigrants. The increase in the population of Indians in Australia also implies that enhanced attention will be given to the community. As per the figures for the years 2006 to 2011, the population of Indian immigrants in Australia almost doubled in these five years to 300,000 people from 150,000 people. The census for 2016 is also anticipated to provide similar figures, quotes Business Standard. The second place for highest immigrants to Australia was taken by Chinese with 29,008 immigrants and the third place by the UK with 18,960 immigrants. There has been a decrease in the number of UK nationals arriving in Australia in the recent years. The other nations from South Asia that contributed significantly to the increase of immigrant population are Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Almost 10% of the immigrants arrived from these nations to Australia. Though the exact numbers are not yet made public, it is predicted that the fastest growing religion in Australia would continue to be Hinduism. In the census held in 2011, Hinduism emerged as the fastest growing religion in Australia and this trend is expected to continue for the census that will be revealed for 2016. When the statistics for 2016 are revealed in the later part of 2017, it has been projected that Hinduism with 2.7% of the population will surge ahead of the number of Australians nominating Islam as their faith with 2.2%. Indians are not just contributing to the growth of the population of Australia; they are also expected to be the chief contributors to the growth of Australian economy. As per the figures revealed by the Department of Immigration in Australia, Australia’s most highly educated are immigrants from India. The statistics from the Immigration and Border Protection Department reveals that around 55% of the Indian immigrants are educated at the graduate level or higher. This percentage is thrice the Australian national average that was just 17% in the census of 2011. The percentage of immigrants from India is expected to reach a record high for this year. The province in Australia that attracts the highest number of Indian immigrants is Victoria that has its capital city as Melbourne. Victoria also witnessed the highest rate of growth when compared with all territories and provinces in Australia with 2.1%. The lowest growth rate was recorded for Northern territory with 0.3%. It is also appropriate to mention in this context that though New Zealand sends a high numbers of immigrants to Australia, its immigrants are not considered as a part of the immigration program in Australia. The first part of the Census for 2016 will be made public on April 11, 2017. This is going to be in advance of nearly 75 days when compared to the previous years. Y-Axis Australia office is situated in affinity to Melbourne Central amidst innumerable educational institutions. Everyday immigrants, skilled professionals, and students’ walk-in to our office seek legal advice on immigration. They are provided assistance for immigration and visa applications by Registered Migration Agents. If you are looking to Migrate, Study, Visit, Invest or Work in Australia, contact Y-Axis, the world’s most trusted Immigration & Visa Consultant.


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