Australia is witnessing a huge demand for personal care workers and allied healthcare professionals and more nurses from the Philippines are being encouraged to take up a job in the nation.
A Registered migration agent in Australia, Vikram Sharma has said that the major issue faced by Australia in the recent years is that most of its professionals are retiring of late. He added that Australia is in need of more and more professionals in the healthcare sector to cater to the requirements of the population that are aging. Vikram was speaking at Cebu city’s Nursing Career Expo in Australia that was attended by more than 200 nurses.
The Federal Employment Department of Australia has projected that the nation will be in need of around 800,000 healthcare and social assistance professionals by 2025, quotes CEBU Daily News.
Meanwhile, the statistics from Labor and Employment department shows that every year there are 200,000 nurses graduating in the Philippines while only 2,500 nursing jobs were available for them in that nation.
As a result, the remaining nurses are left with no option but to immigrate overseas or remain in the Philippines and be employed in unrelated sectors amidst wait for a vacancy.
Sharma said that the Lawson College, of which he was also the President aimed to impart training to the nurses to equip them with skills that would qualify them to obtain a permanent residency in Australia. This would also make them qualified to be employed any part of the world.
The healthcare training program offered by Lawson College includes courses in business as well. The reason is that employers in Australia give more importance to nurses with management skills that are required in the competitive workplaces, said Sharma.
The nurses from the Philippines prefer to immigrate to Australia owing to the geographical proximity and climatic compatibility.
The qualifications of nurses from the Philippines are recognized in Australia too and the additional requirement is that they need to appear for a registration exam. Owing to the larger economy of Australia the pay package is also higher while compared to other nations, added Sharma.
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