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Posted on August 21 2017

New Zealand immigration reaches record high thanks to nationals from Australia, UK, and China

By  Editor
Updated May 25 2023
New Zealand immigration reached a record high in July 2017, thanks to overseas immigrants from Australia, UK, and China. Net annual immigration was 72, 400 in the year ending July which was an increase of 3400 for the same period in 2016. Three-fourths of the record 132, 1000 immigrant arrivals were not nationals of New Zealand. A whopping 1.9 million people arrived in New Zealand as Holidaymakers in 2017 that was owing to the nationals of Australia, the UK, and the US. There was a huge increase in arrivals of the UK nationals during the Lions rugby tour in June. Immigrants from China were the largest when calculated for the net basis as 9961 were nationals of China who arrived in New Zealand. India emerged as the second largest net source with 7, 444 Indians arriving as immigrants, as quoted by the News Hub Co NZ. On the net basis, immigration from the UK had the highest increase with 53% more UK nationals or 6750 and net immigration from South Africa also increased by 50% with 4862. As far as the residence visas are concerned, Chinese were offered the highest residence visas increasing by 12% with 3413 for July 2017. This was more than the average increase in residence visas by 7.2% with 16, 661. 15.3% increase in New Zealand work visas was witnessed in 2017 reaching 45, 397. On the other hand student visas decreased by 9.9% and reached 24, 132. The arrivals of New Zealand and Australia nationals increased by 6.3% to reach 38, 740. Y-Axis Melbourne is an authorized immigration consultancy that offers latest and professional assistance and advice regarding the best visa options for the clients. Our immigration agents are registered with Registered Migration Agent Melbourne and are competent, dedicated and experienced. If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate to Australia, contact Y-Axis, the world’s most trusted Immigration & Visa Consultant.


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