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Posted on February 28 2022

Preferred Employer Schemes For Hiring Foreign Talent

By  Editor
Updated November 14 2023


Many countries around the world want to hire talents from other countries. These countries have reduced the requirements and application processing time. This reduction in time has helped employers to hire employees, labor, and workers from other countries. These countries have also launched many government-supported processes. In this article, there is a discussion about the countries and the programs they have launched to invite the candidates.


Employers in Canada have benefitted due to the LMIA process and speedy visa process. Employers use Global Talent Stream program to use the LMIA process and invite overseas employees to Canada. The companies have to provide a Labor Market Benefit Plan in which training and promotion skills of Canadian workers are to be mentioned.

There are two categories in GTS A and B. Companies going for Category A have to hire specialized foreign employees, while companies going for Category B have to hire the employees on the basis of shortage of job roles.

*Check your eligibility to Canada: You can check your eligibility to work in Canada through Y-Axis Canada Immigration Points calculator.


Certified companies in Denmark use the Fast Track scheme for the recruitment of foreign workers. The processing time of applications has been reduced, and employers have been given the responsibility to process the applications. Employers have to obtain a certificate from the Danish Agency of Recruitment and Integration or SIRI. They will get the certificate if they meet the criteria provided by SIRI. There are four tracks of the Fast Track Scheme, which include the following.

  • Pay limited track
  • The researcher track
  • The educational track
  • The short-term track


Employers in Ireland can invite immigrants for occupation through Trusted Partner Initiative or TPI. The process of invitation is streamlined, and there is a reduction in the paperwork. Employers have to apply for Trusted Partner Status under TPI. The employers will get the option of providing employment permit forms along with Trusted Partner Recognition Number. Employers get this right only when their Trusted Partner Status is approved.

The Netherlands

The Netherlands provides the facility of inviting highly skilled workers to a registered sponsor. The sponsor has to Apply for a residence permit application for the migrants before they arrive in the country. The application must be accepted and approved by Immigration and Naturalization Services.

The employer has to go through different legal requirements so that it can become a recognized sponsor. The sponsor should be on the list of Commercial Register in the Netherlands. He should fulfill the tax obligations and meet the code of conduct for business.


The companies in Portugal should receive a certificate from the Agency of Competitiveness and Innovation to apply for a visa for the migrants under the Tech visa program. The time of visa processing has been reduced, and there is also a reduction in the number of requirements to migrate to Portugal for work. The candidates who are sponsored by a company must be a citizen of a country that does not belong to the European Union.

New Zealand

The employers in New Zealand should be eligible for sponsoring an Accredited Employer Work Visa. They can become a sponsor for the employees of any country. The sponsors have the right to give a permanent contract to the foreign workers. The accreditation of sponsoring varies, and this variation depends upon the number of employees that a company is hiring.


Employers who employ the foreign workers regularly get the facility of accredited sponsorship. When these sponsor companies submit an application for inviting people from other countries, preference is given to their applications.

*Need assistance to work in Australia? Y-Axis is here to guide you in all the possible ways.

Why are employers looking for foreign talents?

There are many reasons that employers hire talents overseas. Some of these talents are as follows.

  • New talents come with new skills
  • Lot of experience
  • Increase in access to international markets
  • Work ethics is strong
  • Corporate image is enhanced


Many countries are hiring foreign employees so that they can bring new skills to their countries. Countries like Canada, Australia, etc., are facing the problem of shortage of employees, and this is the main reason of recruiting overseas employees. The governments have made processes easy so that more and more people can be migrated according to the demand and occupation.

Do you want to work overseas? Contact Y-Axis, the leading Immigration Consultant Agency in Australia.

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