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Posted on February 20 2024

Which family members can you sponsor after getting a Canada PR visa?

By  Editor
Updated February 20 2024

Highlights: Whom to Sponsor after getting a Canada PR?

  • The essential factor for Canada’s immigration is reuniting and keeping families together.
  • Family immigration is the second largest category of economic immigration in Canada.
  • Not everyone can sponsor family members to reside with them.
  • Different family members have different sets of sponsorship policies.


*Do you want to check your Canadian eligibility? You can do it for FREE and get an instant score with the Y-Axis Canada Immigration points calculator.

Who is eligible to sponsor their family?

An individual can support relatives only if they are more than 18 years old. Other than that, they should be:

  • Canadian Citizen
  • Permanent resident of Canada
  • Indian Registered under the Canadian Indian Act.


 *Looking to apply for Canada PR? Let Y-Axis assist you. 


Programs to sponsor your family members:


Spouses, common-law and conjugal partners:

An individual can sponsor their spouse, common-law or conjugal partners through Spousal sponsorship.


The sponsor should be married to the sponsored for at least 12 months. This applies to both all relationships.


At least for three year the sponsor should aid take financial responsibility of the spouse.There are two kinds of spouse sponsorship that they have the same purpose but have different residing options during the process:


  • Outland Sponsorship
  • Inland Sponsorship


Outline sponsorship: In Outline Sponsorship, (the foreign spouse or partner) stays abroad whereas the Canadian sponsor resides in Canada. The Supported person can travel anywhere including Canada if they have a visa-free passport or Canadian visa. Though, the sponsor has to reside in Canada during the procedure.


Outland Sponsorship application is processed in nearby visa application place linked to their home or the country they chose to reside there for 1 year.


Inland Sponsorship: In Inland Sponsorship, the couple must live together in Canada during the whole application procedure. The foreign sponsor or partner must be a temporary resident of Canada,.


These applications are filed within Canada. During processing, spouses with temporary Canada work permits might be eligible for an Open Work Permit (OWP). This step is to prevent financial issue during processing time.


Dependent children:

An individual can sponsor their child; they can opt for dependent child sponsorship. This can be for both biological and adopted children.


The eligible criteria of the sponsoring dependent children:


  • They must be 18 years old.
  • Reside in Canada
  • Support the dependent for ten years until the child turns 25.
  • The child must be under 22.
  • The sponsor can only sponsor a child over 22 years if they are studying, disabled or dependent.


Parents should apply for sponsorship before the child turns 22 to avoid discrepancies. The sponsor needs to submit a sponsor profile to IRCC to get approved for permanent residency.


Parents and grandparents

The PGP allows Canadian citizenship for family sponsorship that opens up once a year. This PGP is open once a year, allowing citizens of Canada to financially support their parents or grandparents for PR in Canada.


PGP works through a lottery-based system where the sponsor is eligible to complete an “interest to sponsor” form and be placed in the candidate pool. If the applicant is selected, they must apply on behalf of the person they are sponsoring. This process can also be considered as an acceptance by the sponsor that commits to provide medical, food, and other needs that the person wants.


The PGP program also has Canada’s Super Visa program. The super-visa can be referred as multiple-entry visa for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens who can reside in Canada for five years without any visa renewal. The super-visa is valid up to ten years. The Super-visa is quicker and more flexible than that of PGP.


Super-visa can be done within weeks. Although the Super visa, doesn’t offer a path to PR, it issues sponsored individuals with visitor visas.


Brother, sister, nephew, niece and grandchildren:

There is a program for sponsoring brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and grandchildren. Sponsoring an orphan brother, sister, nephew, niece and grandchildren is included in the program with specific conditions such as:


  • Blood relation or adopted connection with you
  • Both of the parents are deceased
  • Below 18 years of age
  • Without a spouse


Sponsorship of brother, sister, nephew, niece and grandchildren are not possible if:

  • If any of their parents are alive
  • Parents data are missing
  • abandoned by parents


 Other relatives:

In some conditions, citizen of Canada can sponsor any family member related by blood or adoption. If they don’t have any living relatives, then they can support:


  • Spouse
  • Domestic partner
  • Conjugal partner
  • Child or children
  • Mother or father
  • Grandmother or grandfather
  • Orphaned siblings
  • Orphaned nieces or nephews, or
  • Orphaned grandchildren.


*Are you looking for step-by-step assistance for Canada immigration? Talk to Y-Axis, the leading Overseas Immigration Company in Australia. 


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