
IELTS Coaching

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About International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is one of the most sought-after standardized tests for checking an individual’s English language proficiency. A high score in IELTS can give you an edge over other applicants and put you in the top position among applicants. Y-Axis IELTS Coaching is an intensive training program designed to help you achieve your highest score in this exam.

Course Highlights

The IELTS on-location and online coaching by Y-Axis offers expert guidance on all the four components of the test-

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking

The right IELTS coaching can help you achieve the score that matters!



Contact us today to build a new life abroad.


  • Course Type

  • Delivery Mode

  • Tutoring Hours

  • Learning Mode (Instructor Led)

  • Weekday

  • Weekend

  • Access to Y-Axis Online-LMS from batch start date

  • LRW-CD Mock Tests

  • Mock-tests activated on course start date

  • Mock-tests activated on 15th Day from course start date

  • Video Strategies Upto 28 recorded videos

  • Sectional Tests (Total 120 with 30 for each module)

  • Flexi Learning Desktop,Laptop & Mobile App

  • Experienced & Certified Trainers

  • IELTS TEST Registration Support



  • Self-Paced

  • Prepare on your own

  • Prepare anytime anywhere

  • Prepare anytime anywhere

LIVE Online

  • Batch Tutoring


  • 30 Hours

  • 20 classes 90 minutes each class (Monday to Friday)

  • 10 Classes 3 hours each class (Saturday & Sundays)

LIVE Premium

  • 1-on-1 Private tutoring


  • Minimum: 10 hours Maximum: 20 hours

  • Minimum: 1 hour Maximum: 2 hours per session as per tutor availability"


IELTS Coaching

If you are attempting to qualify to study abroad, prove your language skills by performing your best in the IELTS test. Among the many criteria considered to decide your eligibility to migrate to study in Canada, language ability in English is a major one.

The more you score in the IELTS exam, the better your chances will be to get invited to study abroad in Canada. Prepare yourself with expert coaching through training programs like the ones Y-Axis provides via its IELTS classes.

IELTS is the world’s most popular test of English. It’s a fact that IELTS is the only international test for English language skills that are trusted for Canadian migration. IRCC trusts IELTS for all visas that need you to submit proof of proficiency in the English language.


About the IELTS Academic Test


Do you have a plan to study abroad for higher education or are you looking for professional registration overseas? If yes, then the IELTS Academic test could be a requirement for you.

IELTS Academic test is conducted with the intention of helping migrants wanting to get enrolment in Canada’s academic institutions for higher studies.

Through the IELTS Academic test, your proficiency in the English language will be assessed at an academic level. Through this, your readiness to study abroad at a UG/PG level, or get employed in a professional setting can be determined.

There are 4 English language skills that are measured through the IELTS Academic test. These are writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The speaking and listening parts of this IELTS exam category are the same as IELTS General with regards to training during coaching. However, the writing and reading parts of the IELTS exam are different between IELTS Academic and General formats.




Listening Section

In the listening section, you will be asked to listen to 4 recorded conversations. A different type of discourse will be featured in each recording. It could be monologues (like news), everyday conversation, classroom conversations, etc.

  • Recording 1 – a conversation between 2 individuals happening in a day-to-day social context
  • Recording 2 – a monologue set in a day-to-day social context. E.g., a speech
  • Recording 3 – a conversation between 2 to 4 people set in a training or educational context. E.g., a discussion about an assignment between students
  • Recording 4 – a monologue on an academic subject. E.g., a lecture at the university

IELTS exam duration: 30 minutes (plus 10 minutes for the paper-based test as transfer time)

Number of questions: 40

Types of tasks

For each of the 4 recordings, you will get a question as

  • an exercise to complete a sentence,
  • a multiple-choice question,
  • a card,
  • filling inside a diagram, or
  • a form or any other.

Matching – Match a numbered list of items from the listening text to a set of options given on the question paper.

Labeling a plan, diagram, or map – Complete giving labels on a plan (e.g., a building plan), diagram (e.g., drawing of a piece of equipment), or map (e.g., town map). The answers are usually picked from a list given on the question paper.

Completion of a form, table, note, summary, or flowchart – Fill in the gaps in an outline of the listening text in part or whole. The outline will concentrate on the main facts/ideas in the text.

Sentence completion – Read a set of sentences and summarise key information from the whole/part of the listening text. Then fill a gap in each sentence using the listening text information. There will be a word limit.

Marks: Each question carries 1 point for the right answer.

Method of answering: Multiple choice and short answers:

  • Multiple choice – A question will have 3 possible answers, or it will be the beginning of a sentence with 3 possible ways to complete the sentence.
  • Short-answer questions – Read a question and then write a short answer using the information from the listening text.
Speaking Section

In the speaking section, you will have to give a response to basic questions about yourself and your background. After this, discuss a topic with the examiner as prompted by a task card. As the test nears the conclusion, there will be the opportunity to discuss the topic more conceptually.

Three parts in the General Speaking section are:

  1. A general introduction about yourself in brief.
  2. Talk about a certain topic drawn among several subjects. Take and use notes in order to organize your thoughts. Share your point of view and arguments about a topic.
  3. Engage in an extended discussion about the subject previously drawn, in more conceptual or hypothetical development.

Duration: 11 – 14 minutes

Number of questions: 3 parts

Types of tasks:

  • Part 1 – the examiner gives his/her own introduction and checks the identity of the test taker. Then the test takers will answer general questions on familiar topics such as family, home, work, interests, and studies. The time taken is 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Part 2 – You get a particular topic assigned to you along with points to cover when you talk about it. Then take a minute to prepare your talk. Upon the invitation of the examiner, talk for 1 to 2 minutes. The examiner then will ask 1 or 2 questions on the same topic.
  • Part 3 – Discuss issues related to the topic in Part 2 in a more general and abstract way and, in places where appropriate, speak in greater depth.

Marks: You will score for lexical resources, fluency and coherence, pronunciation, and grammar.

Writing Section

This section is divided into 2 tasks:

Task 1: Write a report after doing an analysis of a document, table, graph, etc. The time allotted is 20 minutes. You have to write about 150 words.

Task 2: Write an essay of a minimum of 250 words. The time allotted is 40 minutes.

Duration: 60 minutes

Number of questions: 2

Task Types

There are 2 tasks to be completed:

Task 1 – Describe facts/figures given as at least one chart, graph, or table on a related topic or explain the working of a machine, a device, or a process given in a diagram.

Task 2 – Write about a given topic in an academic or neutral/semi-formal style. Answers are expected to be a discursive consideration of issues that are relevant.

Marks: Scores of IELTS writing tasks 1 and 2 are calculated on 4 criteria:

  • Coherence and Cohesion (CC) i.e., the quality of the structuring of your text.
  • Task Achievement (TA) i.e., the quality of your answer to a question.
  • Grammatical Range & Accuracy (GRA) i.e., the quality of your grammar.
  • Lexical Resource (LR) i.e., the quality of your vocabulary.

Each criterion will carry 25% of the total marks for the writing test.


Read 3 texts with questions on each reading. The texts are factual, descriptive, and analytical. The reading module also involves graphs, diagrams, or illustrations.

After reading the text, fill in the blanks in a table.

Sources: The texts presented to be read are taken from journals, books, newspapers, and magazines. They have been written with a non-specialist audience in mind.

Duration: 60 minutes

Number of questions: 40

Types of tasks

  • Choose the best answer from 4, 5, or 7 choices.
  • Respond to the question “Do the following statements agree with the information in the text?”
  • Respond to the question “Do the following statements agree with the views/claims of the writer?”
  • Locate specific information within the lettered sections/paragraphs of a block of text.
  • Match headings to the correct sections/paragraphs.
  • Match pieces of information/set of statements to an options list.
  • Choose the best way to complete a sentence from a possible options list.
  • Complete a summary of a text with information derived from that block of text.

Method of answering

Multiple choice.

How Y-Axis Can Help You

Y-Axis guides/counsels you with expert coaching for the IELTS test through expert-driven IELTS classes.

Our Accreditations

Our Accredatitations CICC Migration Agents Immigration Advisers
Code of Conduct Code Of Professional Conduct

Proud Sponsor of

APFA Australian Paramedics

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is American English included in IELTS?
What topics are covered in IELTS Academic?
Will I have time to look at the questions before I listen while attending the listening task?
Will marks be deducted for spelling and grammar mistakes in the answers I give in the reading section?
Will I be penalized if I don’t write enough words in the writing task?
Will it be better to learn short speeches by heart to speak in the speaking section?