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Posted on January 29 2024

Top 5 Safest Countries in Europe in 2024

By  Editor
Updated January 29 2024

Why to migrate to Europe?

  • 92 million Migrated to Europe in 2023
  • Affordable transport
  • Work-life balance
  • High-degree economic benefits


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Countries that have ranked as the safest:

According to the Global Peace Index released by the Institution of Economics and Peace or other metrics such as rates of violent crimes, Europe is the safest country in the world. Primarily, 14 of the top 20 safest countries were located in Europe.


Here is the list of the top 10 safest countries in Europe:


GPI 2023

GPI 2022






















Czech Republic










Top 10 countries that has ranked as the safest one:

Iceland: Ireland has been regarded as the safest country in Europe for more than ten consecutive years. Ireland, the Nordic country, has a low crime rate because of its low population, about 340,000 people. It has high living standards, a stellar social attitude against crime, educated police units, and a lack of hatred between people of different economic and social classes. Iceland has no army, and its police are unarmed.


Denmark: Denmark comes in second place as the safest place in Europe; otherwise, Denmark is also regarded as the world's happiest country. Demark has meagre crime rates, and people, including children, report feeling safe every time. The highest safety level comes from the welfare state, which implies that all citizens get services and benefits that help to improve their lives. Denmark has no risk of natural disasters like some European nations, and its capital, Copenhagen, is one of the world's safest cities.


Ireland: Ireland is known for its lush green hills and has few red flags. Ireland has little risk of natural calamities, but other than that, it boasts safe and reliable mass transportation, low instances of petty crimes (such as pickpocketing and muggings), and even lower rates of violent crime.


Austria: Mozart's home country is ranked as the third-safest country in the world. Austria has a low crime rate, few violent protests, very little terrorist activity, and remarkably few natural threats such as hazardous weather, natural disasters, or dangerous wildlife.


Portugal: Portugal is the safest country in Europe. Austria has a military force and armed units. The Criminal rates in Portugal are meagre. The political stability also makes Portugal a safe country. The presence of security officers in south-western Europe ensures a high safety level.


Finland: Finland is a relatively safe place until one knows how to dress warmly or drive in the snow. Finland's capital, Helsinki, is considered one of the world's safest cities; transportation is easy and reliable, and the crime rate is relatively low.


Slovenia: Another of the world's safest countries is this Central European country. Slovenia is known for its medieval castles, rugged natural beauty, and tendency to incorporate dragons into its cultural identity. Slovenia has fewer criminal activities.


Switzerland: Switzerland has a low crime rate, which makes it a safe country. People feel safe walking in isolated areas at any time of day or night. The chances of terrorist incidents are pretty low in the nation. Natural disasters are somewhat less in the country.


Czech Republic: The Czech Republic is situated in Central Europe. The nation has safe communities where people live in harmony. Crimes are less and minor. Accessing weapons in the Czech Republic is complex, with no risk of a terrorist attack.  


Croatia: Croatia boasts low violence and strict gun laws. Close community ties in the country mean kids can play outside, and crime is rare despite natural disasters. The government is proactively providing a safe environment.


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5 Safest Countries in Europe

Migrate to Europe


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